Malaysia has a total land area of 330,345 km2, consisting of Peninsular Malaysia (mainland) and Malaysian Borneo (island), sharing a maritime and land border with Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. In 2018, the population is counted over 31.5 million people. The GDP (PPP constant price 2011) of Malaysia reached USD 873.3 billion in 2018 [1], placing the country as the third largest economy in the ASEAN after Indonesia and Thailand. The electrification rate in Malaysia is at 100%, with the purchasing residential electricity tariff of 0.069 USD/kWh. Electricity power consumption of the inhabitants is about 4,636 kWh per capita.
The Malaysian government has an ambitious target of increasing its power capacity mix from Renewable Energy (RE) from 5% in 2017 to 20% by 2025. The country has developed solar PV to 395 MW in 2017, Biomass at 784 MW, small Hydro at 292 MW, then installed 80MW Biogas power plant to greening its grid system [2].
[1] National account with conversion value of WDI
[2] Country official data