
Myanmar occupies a total area of 676,590 km2 and is located in the northwest of Southeast Asia, sharing a border with Bangladesh, China, India, Lao PDR and Thailand. With population reached 53.71 million people Myanmar GDP (PPP constant price 2011) reached the point of USD 274.2 billion in 2018 that is growing 6.8% annually [1]. The electrification rate in the country was 42% in 2017, leaving a challenge to the government of providing full electricity access to people who live without electricity. it is quite progressing since the country targeting all households will be fully electrified by 2030.

Currently, the power production is dominated by hydropower with a share of 56% in electricity generation, followed by natural gas with 41.4% and coal with 2.2%. The electric power consumption is also low among ASEAN member state, with 317 kWh per capita. The electricity is purchased around 0.04 USD/kWh [2].

[1] National account with conversion value of WDI

[2] Country official data