
The Philippines is an archipelago country that shares a maritime border with China and Indonesia and occupies a total land area of 300,000 km2. In 2018 the total population in the country is 106.6 million people. The economy is growing with GDP (PPP constant price 2011) reached USD 840.6 billion in 2018, growth 5.4% from previous year [1]. The access to electricity is 93% of population in 2017, Philippines endeavour to provide full electricity access in the upcoming years.

The electricity consumption in the country is 741.5 kWh per capita, with the tariff of about 0.10 USD/kWh. Based on Philippines RE target which refers to National Renewable Energy Program (NREP), RE is tripled the 2010 installed capacity, 5.4GW to 15.3GW by 2030. Currently, the installed capacity is dominated by coal with 40% share followed oil with 18%, for RE side the high contribution is from hydropower with 15.5% and geothermal (8.2%) [2].

[1] National account with conversion value of WDI

[2] Country official data